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發布日期:2025-01-01 08:41:33

先講講日常磨損場景下的顯著差異。丝瓜网站入口曾在模擬家庭客廳使用環境的實驗室中做過測試,選用了兩款石晶地板,一款耐磨層厚度為 0.3mm,另一款達 0.6mm。在經過相同的 10 萬次桌椅移動模擬摩擦後,0.3mm 耐磨層的地板表麵出現了明顯的細微劃痕,湊近觀察,劃痕分布密集,用手觸摸能明顯感覺到凹凸不平;反觀 0.6mm 耐磨層的地板,僅出現少量極淺的擦痕,幾乎不影響視覺觀感,地板表麵依舊光滑平整。這清晰地展現出在應對家具挪動這類頻繁摩擦時,更厚的耐磨層能極大程度降低磨損程度,長久保持地板美觀。像我曾走訪的一戶家庭,客廳安裝了厚耐磨層石晶地板,使用 5 年後,地板除了因光照有些許褪色外,表麵幾乎沒有因日常走動、孩子玩耍造成的明顯劃痕,依舊光潔如新,而鄰居家使用普通厚度耐磨層地板,不到 3 年劃痕就已遍布,視覺效果大打折扣。
耐用性方麵,同樣有令人信服的數據支撐。在加速老化實驗中,模擬商業場所高強度使用,讓地板經受持續的踩踏、重物拖拉。一組耐磨層 0.4mm 的石晶地板,在相當於正常使用 3 年的模擬時長後,耐磨層出現局部磨穿現象,基材開始暴露,地板結構穩定性受到影響,出現輕微變形;而另一組耐磨層 0.8mm 的石晶地板,經過長達 8 年的等效模擬使用,耐磨層雖有一定程度磨損,但依然完整地保護著基材,地板整體結構穩固,沒有出現變形、開裂等問題。某大型商場在翻新時選擇了丝瓜网站入口厚耐磨層石晶地板,日均客流量數千人次,使用 4 年後,地板磨損微小,未出現因頻繁踩踏導致的嚴重損耗,大大降低了維護成本,若換做普通耐磨層地板,恐怕早已傷痕累累,需要大麵積更換。
抗汙表現上,厚耐磨層的優勢同樣突出。丝瓜网站入口將等量的油汙分別倒在 0.35mm 和 0.7mm 耐磨層的石晶地板樣板上,靜置 30 分鍾後擦拭。0.35mm 耐磨層的地板,油汙滲入了一定深度,擦拭後仍殘留淡淡的汙漬痕跡;而 0.7mm 耐磨層的地板,油汙基本停留在表麵,用濕布輕輕一擦就幹幹淨淨,表麵毫無殘留。曾有一家餐廳反饋,之前鋪設的普通石晶地板,廚房區域經常有油汙沾染,時間一久,汙漬滲入,怎麽清潔都有印子,後來換成厚耐磨層石晶地板,即使偶爾有大麵積油汙潑濺,及時清理後也不會留下難看的汙漬,日常打理輕鬆許多。
防滑性能測試中,厚耐磨層的作用也不容小覷。利用專業的摩擦係數測試儀,對 0.4mm 和 0.8mm 耐磨層石晶地板在幹燥、潮濕環境下分別測量。幹燥時,0.4mm 耐磨層地板摩擦係數為 0.5,0.8mm 耐磨層地板可達 0.65;潮濕環境下,差距更為明顯,前者摩擦係數降至 0.35,後者仍能維持在 0.5 左右。在一個社區老年活動中心的衛生間,原本使用的普通地板,每逢雨後潮濕時,老人滑倒事故時有發生,更換為厚耐磨層石晶地板後,因防滑性能提升,滑倒現象大幅減少,為老人提供了更安全的活動空間。

As a technician in a flooring factory, I have deeply realized the key significance of the thickness of the wear-resistant layer for stone crystal floors in the process of long-term research on stone crystal floors. It is no exaggeration to say that the thicker the wear-resistant layer, the better.

Let's talk about the significant differences in daily wear scenarioses first. We have done tests in a laboratory that simulates the use environment of a family living room. We selected two spc flooring, one with a wear-resistant layer thickness of 0.3mm and the other with a thickness of 0.6mm. After the same 100,000 simulated frictions of moving tables and chairs, the surface of the floor with a 0.3mm wear-resistant layer showed obvious fine scratches. When you look closely, the scratches are densely distributed, and you can clearly feel the unevenness by touching it with your hands; on the other hand, the floor with a 0.6mm wear-resistant layer has only a few very shallow scratches, which hardly affects the visual perception, and the surface of the floor is still smooth and flat. This clearly shows that when dealing with frequent friction such as furniture movement, a thicker wear-resistant layer can greatly reduce the degree of wear and keep the floor beautiful for a long time. For example, a family I visited installed a stone crystal floor with a thick wear-resistant layer in the living room. After 5 years of use, the floor has almost no obvious scratches caused by daily walking and children playing, except for some fading due to light. The surface is still as bright and clean as new. However, the neighbor's family uses a floor with a normal wear-resistant layer, and scratches have been everywhere in less than 3 years, greatly reducing the visual effect.

In terms of durability, there is also convincing data support. In the accelerated aging experiment, the high-intensity use of commercial places is simulated, and the floor is subjected to continuous trampling and heavy dragging. A group of stone crystal floors with a wear-resistant layer of 0.4mm, after a simulation time equivalent to 3 years of normal use, the wear-resistant layer was partially worn out, the substrate began to be exposed, the stability of the floor structure was affected, and slight deformation occurred; while another group of stone crystal floors with a wear-resistant layer of 0.8mm, after 8 years of equivalent simulated use, although the wear-resistant layer was worn to a certain extent, it still completely protected the substrate, and the overall structure of the floor was stable, without deformation, cracking and other problems. A large shopping mall chose our thick wear-resistant layer stone crystal floor during renovation. The average daily passenger flow is thousands of people. After 4 years of use, the floor is slightly worn and there is no serious loss caused by frequent trampling, which greatly reduces the maintenance cost. If it is replaced with an ordinary wear-resistant floor, it may have been scarred and need to be replaced on a large scale.

In terms of anti-fouling performance, the advantages of thick wear-resistant layer are also outstanding. We poured the same amount of oil on the stone crystal floor samples with 0.35mm and 0.7mm wear-resistant layers, respectively, and wiped them after standing for 30 minutes. For the floor with 0.35mm wear-resistant layer, the oil penetrated to a certain depth, and there were still faint stains after wiping; while for the floor with 0.7mm wear-resistant layer, the oil basically stayed on the surface, and it was cleaned with a damp cloth, and there was no residue on the surface. A restaurant once reported that the kitchen area of ​​the ordinary stone crystal floor that was previously laid was often stained with oil. After a long time, the stains penetrated and left marks no matter how they were cleaned. Later, they were replaced with stone crystal floors with thick wear-resistant layers. Even if there were occasional large-scale oil splashes, they would not leave ugly stains after timely cleaning, making daily maintenance much easier.

In the anti-slip performance test, the role of the thick wear-resistant layer should not be underestimated. Using a professional friction coefficient tester, the 0.4mm and 0.8mm wear-resistant layer stone crystal floors were measured in dry and wet environments. When dry, the friction coefficient of the 0.4mm wear-resistant layer floor is 0.5, and the 0.8mm wear-resistant layer floor can reach 0.65; in a wet environment, the difference is more obvious, the friction coefficient of the former drops to 0.35, and the latter can still maintain around 0.5. In the bathroom of a community elderly activity center, the ordinary floor used originally, when it was wet after rain, the elderly often slipped. After replacing it with a thick wear-resistant layer of stone crystal floor, the anti-slip performance was improved, and the slip phenomenon was greatly reduced, providing a safer activity space for the elderly.

In the factory production process, in order to ensure the excellent quality of the thick wear-resistant layer, we strictly control the selection of raw materials, select high-strength and high-wear-resistant polymer materials to ensure the density of the wear-resistant layer. During the production process, a precise coating process is used to make the thickness of the wear-resistant layer uniform and the error is controlled within a very small range. Before each batch of products leaves the factory, it must undergo multiple rounds of rigorous testing to simulate various real-life usage scenarioses to test the performance, just to deliver high-quality, thick wear-resistant layer of stone crystal flooring to the market.

In short, the thickness of the wear-resistant layer of the stone crystal floor is directly related to its wear resistance, durability, stain resistance and anti-slip performance. The thicker it is, the better it can perform in a variety of complex environments and extend its service life. As a technician, I will continue to improve with my team to create better quality stone crystal floors for consumers, so that home and commercial environments can be better because of it.
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