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發布日期:2025-01-18 08:55:39





從密度方麵來看,竹地板密度較高,一般在0.8 - 0.9g/cm³ 左右。這是因為竹子在生長過程中,其纖維經過層層擠壓,使得竹材密度較大。較高的密度讓竹地板具有較好的耐磨性,日常的走動摩擦不易對其造成明顯損傷。

橡木地板的密度相對稍低,大約在0.6 - 0.75g/cm³ 。不過,不要因此就小看它的耐用性。橡木的細胞結構緊密,即便密度稍低,也能承受較大的壓力。而且,橡木在長期使用過程中,能較好地適應環境變化,不易因溫度、濕度的波動而出現嚴重變形。


竹地板的質量優劣,首先取決於竹子的選材。優質的竹子應是生長年限合適,一般以4 - 6年生的竹子為佳,這樣的竹子材質成熟,穩定性好。同時,加工工藝也至關重要,如幹燥處理是否得當,關係到地板日後是否會出現開裂、變形等問題。如果幹燥過度,地板易脆;幹燥不足,則可能在使用中受潮變形。












As a technician with years of experience in a flooring factory, friends and clients frequently ask me which flooring material is better for residential use: oak or bamboo. In the market for home décor, both kinds of flooring are highly sought-after and each has special qualities of its own. I'll examine it in-depth today from a professional standpoint.

Material attributes: a certain allure bestowed by nature

Natural bamboo is used to make bamboo flooring. Bamboo is a fast-growing plant with a wealth of resources and a high rate of renewal. Bamboo flooring has strong compression resistance to a certain degree because of its durable composition and closely packed bamboo fibres. Additionally, bamboo breathes naturally and freshly. When you lay it at home, it seems to infuse the space with the energy of nature.

Oak is used to make oak flooring. A deciduous tree, oaks have a strong, durable wood structure. Different textures, like straight grain or mountain grain, provide the floor a distinctive ornamental effect, and the oak texture is lovely and generous. Its natural sense of heaviness and solid texture can help create a soothing pleasant ambience in the house.

The key to assessing durability is the density difference.

Bamboo flooring has a higher density than other flooring materials, often ranging from 0.8 to 0.9g/cm³. This is because during the growing process of bamboo, its fibers are squeezed layer by layer, making the bamboo material denser. Bamboo flooring is more resistant to wear due to its higher density, and daily walking friction is unlikely to seriously harm it.

At roughly 0.6 to 0.75g/cm³, oak flooring has a comparatively lower density. Don't undervalue its durability, though. Even though oak has a somewhat lower density, its compact cell structure allows wood to endure more pressure. Furthermore, oak is more resilient to environmental variations over time and is less easily seriously deformed by changes in humidity and temperature.

Quality: many factors to consider

The choice of bamboo is the primary determinant of the quality of bamboo flooring. High-quality bamboo should have a proper growth period; material that is mature and stable is typically 4-6 years old. However, processing technology is equally important. For instance, whether the drying technique is appropriate affects whether the floor may eventually fracture, distort, and experience other issues. A floor that has been over-dried will be fragile, and one that has not been sufficiently dried may be damp and distort when used.

The origin and method of processing of the wood are crucial factors in determining the quality of oak flooring. The characteristics of oak vary depending on its origin. American oaks, for instance, have higher-quality wood because of their ideal growing conditions. If the oak is not degreased during processing, it will have an impact on the floor's stability and longevity. Insect preventive measures should not be neglected during the production process because oak is susceptible to insect damage.

Installation technique: specifics affect whether it succeeds or fails

Bamboo flooring is frequently installed using keel and suspended methods. Installing suspended is quite easy. The locks between the levels connect the bamboo floors, which are immediately placed out on a level surface. This technique can successfully lessen the floor's deformation brought on by thermal expansion and contraction and is quick to install. The bamboo floor is fixed on top of the wooden keel after it has been installed on the ground. This technique can improve the floor's elasticity and foot sensation, but it comes with a hefty price tag and strict requirements for the ground's levelness.

Bamboo and oak floors can be installed in a similar manner. Oak floors can also be installed suspendedly. When installing, be sure to leave space for expansion joints to accommodate oak's natural expansion and contraction. Keel installation is another popular technique, but because oak is heavier, the keel's load-bearing capability must be greater. Additionally, installing an oak floor can also be done by glueing, which involves using a special glue to adhere the floor directly to the ground. Although this technique can bring the floor and ground closer together, it has high construction technological requirements and is not very easy to fix subsequently.

Requirements for maintenance: protect the floor and prolong its lifespan.

A bamboo floor requires careful attention to maintaining the proper level of indoor humidity. Bamboo is more susceptible to mould growth in areas with high humidity, whereas dry cracking may result from areas with low humidity. Simply use a mop that is slightly damp for daily cleaning, and don't use a lot of water. Accidental stains should be removed as soon as possible using a neutral detergent. Waxing the bamboo floor occasionally will improve its sheen and resistance to wear.

Controlling indoor humidity is also important for oak floor upkeep. Too much moisture can cause oak to deteriorate, while too much dryness can cause fissures. When cleaning, avoid scratching the floor with sharp tools and instead use a soft cloth or mop to wipe softly. Regular oiling and upkeep of an oak floor can prolong its service life, preserve its shine and flexibility, and nourish the wood. In order to keep the floor from fading and deforming, stay out of direct sunlight for a long time.

Mainstream vendors: a high-quality option

Nature Bamboo Floor is a well-known name in the bamboo floor industry. They use cutting-edge production technologies and closely monitor every step of the process, from bamboo picking to processing. The fashions are varied and the product quality is dependable, so it can accommodate a range of customer needs. Furthermore, Yongyu Bamboo Industry is a prominent player in the sector, concentrating on the development and manufacturing of bamboo flooring. Its products perform exceptionally well in terms of design and environmental protection.

Shengxiang Flooring is a renowned name in the oak flooring industry. Shengxiang's strong brand and superior products have allowed it to have a significant market share over the years. To guarantee the quality and beauty of the flooring, their oak flooring combines superb craftsmanship with premium oak. Del Flooring is an excellent option as well, emphasising product innovation and environmental sustainability. Customers have acknowledged the quality and post-purchase support of its oak flooring.

Both oak and bamboo flooring have benefits of their own. Bamboo flooring is a fantastic option if you are concerned about protecting the environment, want a fresh, natural look, and your home's humidity level is generally consistent. Oak flooring will be more appropriate for you if you value the beauty of natural wood grain, want a serene and cosy home environment, and have high standards for the floor's stability and load-bearing capacity. When picking flooring for your home, I hope the introduction above will assist you make a better choice.
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