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發布日期:2025-01-13 08:03:11


在中國,竹地板的生產高度依賴毛竹。這種竹子仿若大自然精心鍛造的 “鋼鐵衛士”,質地剛硬似鐵,紋理清晰如畫,密度更是出類拔萃,其卓越的抗壓與抗彎性能,使其成為鑄就高端竹地板的不二基石。與此同時,楠竹在一些特定產區也備受尊崇,以自身的堅韌為竹地板的穩固品質添磚加瓦。

越南,這片被大自然眷顧的土地,憑借優越的氣候與獨特的地理條件,成為竹子的 “天然寶庫”,全球四分之一的竹種在此繁衍生息。其中,念和牡竹脫穎而出,擔當起當地竹地板生產的主力軍角色。它們適應性超強,仿佛能與各種環境迅速 “打成一片”,生長速度更是驚人,源源不斷地為竹地板產業輸送著新鮮 “血液”。而且,其獨特的纖維結構宛如一張緊密交織的 “韌性網”,為竹地板賦予了紮實的強度與韌性根基。

中國的竹地板生產工藝已然達到了登峰造極的境界,並且花樣不斷翻新。從源頭的選材環節開始,便如同選拔奧運健兒一般嚴格苛刻,殘次品根本沒有 “入場券”;進入蒸煮流程後,好似給竹子安排了一場深度 “排毒 SPA”,將糖分、油脂等雜質徹底清掃出門,讓防蟲防黴成為竹地板的 “標配” 屬性;烘幹環節更是精準無誤,宛如一位經驗老到的調音師,將竹子的含水率調校至最完美的狀態,為地板的長久穩定性築牢防線;而熱壓工藝堪稱一絕,恰似一位擁有神奇魔力的工匠,強力驅使竹纖維緊密相擁,使得地板的強度與硬度實現質的飛躍,不管是何種密度、規格的竹地板,哪怕是工藝複雜的丝瓜污视频下载,都能在這一係列精湛工藝下被完美打造。

越南的竹地板生產工藝同樣藏著令人眼前一亮的 “寶藏”。一方麵,他們深諳就地取材、巧用天然的智慧,在幹燥這一關鍵環節,巧妙借助當地豐富的河沙資源,將竹子深埋其中,讓其在沙的溫柔 “懷抱” 裏緩慢而均勻地幹燥。這般傳統做法,就像是給竹子的內部應力做了一場舒緩的 “瑜伽”,使其均勻釋放,大大降低了後期出現變形的風險。另一方麵,一些企業堅守著手工藝人的匠心,傳承手工打磨的古老技藝,經此打磨的竹地板仿佛被注入了靈魂,表麵觸感溫潤如玉,成品所散發的那種自然古樸韻味,對於那些追求返璞歸真、鍾情原始質感的消費者而言,有著難以抗拒的吸引力。不過,平心而論,相較於中國在現代化工藝上的精雕細琢,越南在整體的精細度把控方麵還有一段路要走,部分前期處理步驟在精度上稍顯不足,如同埋下了幾顆小小的 “定時炸彈”,給後續使用帶來了一些潛在隱患。


中國的竹地板廠商們對設備研發與引進的熱情可謂高漲,全力打造的自動化生產線處處彰顯著科技的磅礴力量。瞧那巨型竹材切割設備,宛如一位精準無誤的 “鋼鐵裁縫”,切割精度達到毫米級別,在它的 “妙手” 之下,材料利用率大幅提升,生產效率也如同坐上了火箭般迅猛攀升;再看那高精度熱壓機,仿若一位掌控全局的廚藝大師,均勻施力、精準加熱,確保每一塊從它手中 “誕生” 的地板都品質卓越、毫無二致;還有那 UV 漆塗裝設備,更是如同給地板披上了一層華麗的 “戰甲”,使其表麵光滑如鏡、耐磨抗造,顏值瞬間爆表。
反觀越南,大多數中小竹地板企業仍在與傳統設備相依為命,手工工具與簡易機械是生產線上的 “常客”,這般景象導致生產效率如蝸牛爬行般緩慢,產品質量也像 “萬花筒” 般參差不齊。不過,令人欣慰的是,越南已有部分敢為人先的先鋒企業敏銳察覺到差距,毅然開啟設備升級的征程,積極引入國外先進設備,向著更高的品質目標奮勇追趕。


在中國,竹地板行業宛如一座秩序井然的 “質量大廈”,準則明晰、檢測體係完備得如同精密的儀器。依據外觀、理化性能等關鍵指標,精準地將竹地板劃分為優等品、一等品、合格品等不同等級,每個等級各司其職。其中,優等品無疑是行業的 “領軍旗幟”,外觀色澤均勻得如同被陽光溫柔親吻過,瑕疵更是難覓蹤跡,靜曲強度、甲醛釋放量等理化指標不僅完美對標國際標準,甚至常常超越,憑借這般卓越品質,輕鬆滿足全球客戶的多樣化需求,在國際市場上一路高歌猛進、縱橫馳騁。
越南的竹地板質量評級體係則相對有些粗放,產品的穩定性仿若一場充滿未知的 “冒險之旅”。一些小作坊產出的竹地板常常因甲醛超標等問題 “掉鏈子”,讓消費者的信任大打折扣;好在正規大廠猶如中流砥柱,能夠堅守質量底線,產出高品質的地板,隻是目前這類精品在市場中的占比,還有很大的提升空間,亟待進一步擴充。


在歐美市場這片競爭激烈的 “商業戰場” 上,中國竹地板已然成長為備受矚目的 “寵兒”。國內企業多年如一日深耕品牌建設,將國際展會視作閃耀的舞台,頻繁登台亮相,各類權威認證更是如同璀璨的勳章掛滿胸膛,口碑如同滾雪球般一路飆升。就拿聲名遠揚的福建鑫天豐竹業來說,手握含金量極高的 Floorscore 認證,穩穩占據美國 HOMECOMP 超市供應商的寶座。憑借優質的原料、精湛的工藝以及可靠的品質,中國竹地板成功俘獲歐美消費者的芳心,市場份額如雨後春筍般逐年攀升。



As a technician who has been working in a flooring factory for a long time, I know all aspects of bamboo flooring very well. In the global bamboo flooring production map, Vietnam and China are undoubtedly the two key forces. The bamboo floors produced in the two countries show their unique charm in many subtle details.

Differences in bamboo varieties

In China, the production of bamboo flooring is highly dependent on moso bamboo. This kind of bamboo is like a "steel guard" carefully forged by nature. It has a hard texture like iron, clear texture like a painting, and outstanding density. Its excellent compression and bending resistance make it the only cornerstone for high-end bamboo flooring. At the same time, nanzhu is also highly respected in some specific production areas, and its own tenacity contributes to the solid quality of bamboo flooring.

Vietnam, a land favored by nature, has become a "natural treasure house" of bamboo with its superior climate and unique geographical conditions. A quarter of the world's bamboo species thrive here. Among them, Nianhe bamboo stands out and plays the leading role in the production of local bamboo flooring. They are highly adaptable, as if they can quickly "get along" with various environments, and their growth rate is even more amazing, continuously supplying fresh "blood" to the bamboo flooring industry. Moreover, their unique fiber structure is like a tightly interwoven "tough net", which gives the bamboo flooring a solid foundation of strength and toughness.

Different production processes

China's bamboo flooring production process has reached the pinnacle, and the patterns are constantly being renewed. Starting from the material selection process at the source, it is as strict and harsh as selecting Olympic athletes, and defective products have no "tickets" at all; after entering the steaming process, it is like arranging a deep "detoxification SPA" for the bamboo, completely sweeping out impurities such as sugar and oil, making insect and mildew prevention the "standard" attributes of bamboo flooring; the drying process is even more accurate, just like an experienced tuner, adjusting the moisture content of bamboo to the most perfect state, building a solid defense line for the long-term stability of the floor; and the hot pressing process is unique, just like a craftsman with magical powers, forcing the bamboo fibers to embrace each other tightly, making the strength and hardness of the floor achieve a qualitative leap, no matter what density and specifications of bamboo flooring, even the heavy bamboo flooring with complex craftsmanship, can be perfectly created under this series of exquisite craftsmanship.

Vietnam bamboo flooring production process also hides "treasures" that are eye-catching. On the one hand, they are well versed in the wisdom of using local materials and making good use of natural resources. In the key link of drying, they cleverly use the abundant local river sand resources to bury the bamboo deep in it, allowing it to dry slowly and evenly in the gentle "embrace" of the sand. This traditional practice is like doing a soothing "yoga" for the internal stress of the bamboo, so that it is evenly released, greatly reducing the risk of deformation in the later stage. On the other hand, some companies adhere to the ingenuity of craftsmen and inherit the ancient skills of hand-polishing. The polished bamboo floor seems to be injected with soul, and the surface feels as warm as jade. The natural and simple charm exuded by the finished product is irresistible for those consumers who pursue returning to nature and love the original texture. However, to be fair, compared with China's meticulous craftsmanship in modern technology, Vietnam still has a long way to go in terms of overall fineness control. Some of the preliminary processing steps are slightly insufficient in precision, just like burying a few small "time bombs", which brings some potential risks to subsequent use.

Differences in equipment used

Chinese bamboo floor manufacturers are very enthusiastic about equipment research and development and introduction, and the fully built automated production lines demonstrate the great power of science and technology everywhere. Look at the giant bamboo cutting equipment, which is like a precise "steel tailor" with a cutting accuracy of millimeters. Under its "magic hands", the material utilization rate is greatly improved, and the production efficiency is rising rapidly like a rocket; look at the high-precision hot press, which is like a master chef who controls the overall situation, evenly applies force and accurately heats to ensure that every piece of floor "born" from its hands is of excellent quality and no difference; and the UV paint coating equipment is like a gorgeous "armor" for the floor, making its surface smooth as a mirror, wear-resistant and resistant, and its appearance instantly explodes.

In contrast, in Vietnam, most small and medium-sized bamboo floor companies are still dependent on traditional equipment, and hand tools and simple machines are "frequent visitors" on the production line. This scene leads to slow production efficiency like a snail crawling, and product quality is also uneven like a "kaleidoscope". However, it is gratifying that some pioneering enterprises in Vietnam have keenly noticed the gap and resolutely started the journey of equipment upgrading, actively introduced advanced foreign equipment, and bravely pursued higher quality goals.

Differences in quality levels

In China, the bamboo flooring industry is like an orderly "quality building", with clear standards and a complete testing system like a precision instrument. According to key indicators such as appearance and physical and chemical properties, bamboo floors are accurately divided into different grades such as superior products, first-class products, and qualified products, and each grade has its own duties. Among them, superior products are undoubtedly the "leading banner" of the industry. The appearance and color are as uniform as if they were gently kissed by the sun, and defects are even more difficult to find. Physical and chemical indicators such as static bending strength and formaldehyde emission not only perfectly match international standards, but often even exceed them. With such excellent quality, it is easy to meet the diverse needs of global customers and advance all the way in the international market.

Vietnam's bamboo flooring quality rating system is relatively rough, and the stability of the product is like an "adventure" full of unknowns. The bamboo floors produced by some small workshops often "fall off the chain" due to problems such as excessive formaldehyde, which greatly reduces the trust of consumers; fortunately, regular large factories are like the backbone, able to stick to the bottom line of quality and produce high-quality floors, but the current share of such fine products in the market still has a lot of room for improvement and needs to be further expanded.

European and American consumers' recognition of bamboo floors in two countries

In the fiercely competitive "commercial battlefield" of the European and American markets, Chinese bamboo floors have grown into a highly anticipated "darling". Domestic companies have been deeply engaged in brand building for many years, and regard international exhibitions as a shining stage, frequently appearing on stage, and various authoritative certifications are like shining medals hanging on their chests, and their reputation has soared like a snowball. Take the famous Fujian Xintianfeng Bamboo Industry as an example. With the Floorscore certification with extremely high gold content, it firmly occupies the throne of the supplier of HOMECOMP supermarkets in the United States. With high-quality raw materials, exquisite craftsmanship and reliable quality, Chinese bamboo flooring has successfully captured the hearts of European and American consumers, and its market share has been rising year by year.

Vietnamese bamboo flooring, with its price advantage, has carefully knocked on the door of the European and American market. However, due to frequent quality fluctuations in the early stage, like a small boat drifting on the sea, the brand voice was as weak as a candle in the wind, and consumers' trust value has been hovering at a low level. But fortunately, Vietnamese counterparts have awakened, and in recent years have continuously strengthened quality control and carefully carved brand image. Its recognition in the European and American markets is like the rising sun, gradually showing a good momentum of climbing up.

In short, Chinese and Vietnamese bamboo floors have their own advantages and disadvantages, just like two flowers blooming together, and there are things worth learning from each other. As a technician, I am looking forward to witnessing the two sides work hand in hand, forge ahead, and jointly promote the bamboo flooring industry to a more glorious new peak.
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